About Us
Klangkontur is a collective of musicians, synthesizer-inventors, designers, and coders. Our aim and passion is to invent and create musical instruments that you can put together yourself at home. They are handy, simple and make fun to play and you can modify them as you like. It’s the fascinating feeling of creating sound and music with and instrument you managed to build yourself that we want to share with you. This website gives you an insight into our work and introduces our projects and products.
The Klangkontur members are:
Nicolas Bär // code monkey
Dominik Noli // industrial designer
Jonas Scheiwiller // web designer
Lukas Truniger // synthesizer inventor and musician
Lukas Vogel // synthesizer inventor and musician
Lukas Vogel
Nassaustrasse 18
51105 Köln
lukas_vogel (at) sunrise (dot) ch
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.